I’ve started an experimental online community called The Place.
It feels/functions a lot like a private FB group, but no ads, no data being mined.
It will be big enough to feel rich and generative, but small enough that we can actually build a sense of community. We’ll have to experiment with what that means for actual numbers, but we’re starting with 100.
You can share your writing, artwork, music-making, organizing, recipes, fundraising, products, and even…teaching!
The Place brings together
open-hearted (and boundaried)
open-eyed (and eager to dream)
open-minded (and intelligently discerning)
human collaborators who want to:
learn (and teach!)
be fascinated and inspired
encourage and be encouraged
cry, grieve and rage
play, laugh, and celebrate
as we unapologetically build the more just, inclusive, honest, sustainable, decent, and joyful world we think could and should exist, online and in real life.
A few details:
To begin, The Place is by invitation only, and limited to 100 people. My aim is not to exclude, but to make sure that people really want to be here and that they understand the norms of the group. (Basically: participate to the degree you're comfortable doing so, and don't act like a jerk. Easy, right?)
This is a paid community. No ads. But behind-the-screen hosting (by Mighty Networks, in case you want to do some research) and behind-the-scenes thoughtful, deliberate human hosting (provided by me). $60 through the end of 2022.
You do need an invitation to join. Email me at the link below if you feel ready!
Although it’s an online community, one of my major goals is to get us interacting in ways that leave the screen behind. Let’s use what we can do with online technology to launch all kinds of other rich, human connections, yes?